Aabha Pradhan

Hi' I am Aabha Pradhan

Aabha Pradhan is a highly skilled occupational therapist and the dedicated owner of our clinic. With expertise in Cerebral Visual Impairment and Low Vision, she has worked in renowned hospitals, conducted workshops, and provided volunteer services. Aabha is committed to making a positive impact on individuals with special needs.

Phone :
+91 9910388103
Email :

Aabha Pradhan

Occupational Therapist

Personal Experience

who has trouble understanding people or has trouble putting words together to express thoughts might have a language disorder condition is characterized by slow or slurred speech due to a weakness or inability to control the muscles used for speech children exhibit speech problems early in their development and parents understandably worry about the child’s well-being and later success in school.

If your child has trouble saying a certain sound “f” for example encourage him or her to just make that sound all by itself. Once that comes more easily you can incorporate it into syllables like don’t be tempted to allow bad behavior simply because the child has a speech problem.

Professionals Skills

Cognitive Disorders 80%
Expressive Disorders 75%
Receptive Disorder 60%
Language Disorders 90%

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